January 30, 2011

Perfect Strangers

Yesterday Saj, Isaiah and I went out to the mall to check out the sidewalk sales. Its always so much fun going out as a family, plus Isaiah just loves being out and seeing new faces. While we were leaving the Best Buy and heading out to another store a young couple (probably very early 30's) called out to us from behind. We didn't know that they were trying to get our attention right away. Finally - a bit startled we turned around. At first I thought to myself, "do we know these people." And clearly we didn't. The reason why they stopped us was because they saw that we had the exact same stroller as them and they had no idea how to put the car seat into the stroller. The poor guy was carrying around the car seat with his baby inside the mall- talk about tiring. They didn't want to risk putting the car seat incorrectly (which I completely understand). So we took our car seat out of our stroller and showed them how to hook in their car seat. They were so grateful to us for showing them how to do this. They were 1st time parents too and trying to figure out things along the way. They had a beautiful baby girl just 3 weeks ago and are adjusting to life with an infant.

Even though we haven't been on this new journey for very long, it was really nice being able to offer advice and help out to perfect strangers:)

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