September 10, 2010

The Waiting Game Begins!

I had my weekly doctors appointment yesterday and as it stands right now nothing is happening and I haven't started to dilate. I'm over 38 weeks now and the baby isn't officially due until September 21st (11 more days to go officially). At first I thought I was going to be disappointed that nothing has started yet, but I'm surprisingly okay. Instead of trying to rush these last days, I'm really trying to take it all in and enjoy naps, reading various books, and watching TV. Soon our lives will become very busy, so for now I'll enjoy this time. I now have a feeling that this baby is going to come either just a day before my due date, or after it. It would be cool if it did come on the actual day because I like the way September 21st sounds. God only knows the timing and we just need to wait and be patient. I've gone all these months so far, whats a few more days - really?!?!

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