August 17, 2011

Less TV = more productivity!

I have found that less TV for me = more productivity. Don’t get me wrong I love TV (trust me), but lately I’ve been focussing more of my time and energy on getting some tasks done around our home. It’s really simple stuff too, but I’ve been avoiding it like the plague. I now have a new drive and focus (which probably has something to do with my healthier eating habits these days -but that’s for another blog:)

My first project was to tackle our table. Do you ever place one item on your table and then another, then before you know it you have a mountain of stuff piled on your table that you can’t even remember what it looks like underneath? Well that happened to us. It was a pretty crazy sight. One afternoon when Isaiah was napping, I turned off the TV and I finally tackled our table. Surprisingly it didn’t take as long as I thought it would. Once it was cleared off and wiped down it looked brand new again. I loved it. The best part for me was having Saj come home from work and being pleasantly surprised by our finally clean and cleared off table. We could finally eat at the table again, versus using TV trays, ha-ha:)

My other project was re-organizing some of the kitchen cupboards. Some plates, glasses, etc needed to be moved around and grouped together– again another simple task that I was avoiding. Thankfully that got done in no time too.

Another area that desperately needed some fixing up was our front closet. Shoes were piled everywhere (well at least on my side it was – Saj’s side was more tidy). I pulled out all of my shoes and put away the ones that I haven’t been wearing, and I neatly put my shoes back on the shoe rack. Finally organization hit that space. Now I can actually find both pairs of my shoes.

The next task was the linen closet which I actually tackled today. I pulled everything out of there and re-folded towels, blankets, sheets, etc and placed them in an organized manor back into that closet space. Now I’m not embarrassed to open it up if anyone is around.

It’s amazing the amount of things that you can truly accomplish by just turning off the TV and staying focussed. I get a lot of my tasks done when Isaiah is napping. It helps that he takes really great long naps in the morning and afternoon. I use that time to knock off my to-do list items. Before I would laze around, watch TV or spend too much time on facebook, but now I would much rather spend the time getting into the Word of God, accomplishing little tasks around the home, do some quiet reading, listen to worship music, write an old fashioned snail mail letter to a friend and my list goes on and on.

Do you find that less TV = more productivity in your life?

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