January 23, 2011

A Year Ago Today :)

Its so hard to believe that a year ago today I found out that I was pregnant. I still remember that morning and taking the test. Here's how it went (I remember in full detail because I have a sticky note and wrote down some notes as I went through the experience - haha)

8:00 am - went to the bathroom and started the test (dollarama test)

8:02 am - noticed that the lines were changing

8:03 am - realized that the test was positive (2 lines). went into our bedroom to inform Saj of the amazing news

8:04 am - SO EXCITED (Saj and I continued to talk, we were in shock, so happy, too many emotions). I remember telling Saj that I thought it was a boy right away.

9:10am - prayed together about this new journey

Its so amazing to see that 1 year later we are parents to an almost 4 month old. Isaiah continues to amaze us everyday. We are so thankful and we are blessed!

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