December 24, 2010

Merry 1st Christmas to Isaiah :)

Christmas Eve is finally here and I couldn't be happier. Saj and I are looking forward to celebrating our 1st Christmas with Isaiah. We bought the Christmas story for him which we've already read to him two times - we'll do it again tonight. I love that its a pop up one. It keeps his attention :)

Isaiah is 12 weeks old and at times we have no idea where the time has gone. In many ways it feels like he's been with us forever. I don't quite remember life without him. Isaiah is doing so much now. Here's the run down:

-He rolled over at 9 weeks
-He makes a lot of cooing noises now and loves when you get in real close to him to talk.
-He strokes your face sometimes if your up close
-He loves when you sing to him. he just smiles and smiles
-He loves being swaddled now. whenever Saj does it at night - he smiles and laughs.
-He's sleeping a lot better -praise the Lord
-He made his first stage appearance at APC for the Christmas musical - and did an excellent job.
-He loves when you read to him (as long as your super expressive as you do so -haha)
-He loves being out and about and enjoys taking in new environments
-He burps really loud now
-He's officially in size 2 diapers
-He is starting to recognize his name when its called. He turned his head when I called his name - then he did it again when Valerie Barnes called his name at church :)

So many little changes have taken place - and we love them all. Thank you Lord for blessing us with Isaiah this year and for making our Christmas Season even more sweeter. I love that we are a family :)

December 8, 2010

Wonderful time of the year - but also so busy!!!!!

It seems like the month of December is starting to fly on by. I feel like if I'm not careful, this season will come and go and I won't get a chance to take in the true beauty of it all. So far December has been great. We had our first family photo shoot last weekend. Samantha Erin, a very talented photographer based out of Barrie Ontario came by our home and captured the most beautiful pictures. We love them all. I'm so happy that Isaiah did well and really enjoyed himself. I'm also happy to say that I can cross off mailing out Christmas cards. I was able to get practically all of them done on Monday. I got into a good grove and was able to write out so many - which I really enjoy doing :)
This coming weekend its going to be a very busy one for The McKenley's. Were all in the Christmas production at our Church(the very first scene, which should be very cute and fun). Isaiah gets to make his debut on stage at 10 weeks -haha. We've got 2 Christmas parties on Saturday. Were going to one in the early afternoon, then were heading out to the church for the 2nd night of our production, then from church were heading downtown for another gathering. Sunday Saj will be singing at Kingston Rd which is one of our satellite churches. Then I've got an ornament exchange with my lovely friends in the early afternoon, then we've got the final production of the Christmas play. Busy, busy, busy - but were up for it all and asking God for strength as we approach this busy weekend.

December 2, 2010

December is Here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since Isaiah's birth, life seems to be a blur. I can't believe that we've entered into the month of December and that Christmas will be here in 23 more days -eeks. There's so much to do still, but I'm going to pace myself. My goal was to have all my Christmas cards out and mailed by December 1st - so much for that. My new goal is next week *hopefully* I also need to finish up Christmas shopping. We made the mistake of doing it last minute before and its no fun. The malls get way too busy, and trying to find parking is a hassle. Now that we have Isaiah, the last thing we want to do is shop in the madness. Since I'm off on Mat leave, I'm going to try and get things done during the day when the malls are much quieter. I find that if you can get in as the malls open, its the best time. People seem to be a lot friendlier - maybe its because they get there morning jolt of coffee, haha :)

As we approach the close of 2010 there's so much that I'm thankful for. The first obvious one is the safe and healthy arrival of our handsome son Isaiah Eli. He's 2 months now and growing so much. I'm also thankful for Saj and our 7 years of marriage. In some ways it feels like we just got married the other day. I'm thankful for health, a roof over our head, and the continual provisions God has made in our lives. I know I say this a lot, but we are truly blessed.

If I don't get a chance to say this later on - MERRY CHRISTMAS!