September 23, 2010

40 weeks + 2 days = No baby yet!

I am officially overdue. My due date was on September 21st and that day has come and gone. I wasn't sure if I would actually go into labour that day, but I really thought by now that this baby would have made an appearance. I guess he or she wants to make a grand entrance later on.

Today I had a doctors appointment and because nothing has started at this point, I've been scheduled in to be induced next week on Tuesday September 28th. Were still hopeful that things will happen on its own - but if not this little one will officially be evicted -haha.

Its pretty crazy to think that by next week this time we'll have a baby in our arms. We so can't wait to meet you little one!

September 10, 2010

The Waiting Game Begins!

I had my weekly doctors appointment yesterday and as it stands right now nothing is happening and I haven't started to dilate. I'm over 38 weeks now and the baby isn't officially due until September 21st (11 more days to go officially). At first I thought I was going to be disappointed that nothing has started yet, but I'm surprisingly okay. Instead of trying to rush these last days, I'm really trying to take it all in and enjoy naps, reading various books, and watching TV. Soon our lives will become very busy, so for now I'll enjoy this time. I now have a feeling that this baby is going to come either just a day before my due date, or after it. It would be cool if it did come on the actual day because I like the way September 21st sounds. God only knows the timing and we just need to wait and be patient. I've gone all these months so far, whats a few more days - really?!?!

September 4, 2010

Today - September 4th!

Today was actually suppose to be my C-Section day and thankfully things have turned around and I no longer have to have one. The baby is fine and healthy, but my placenta was covering over a bit of the cervix. I've had to have a few ultrasounds and at my last one on August 30th things have cleared - Praise the Lord! If things didn't clear I was scheduled in for a tentative C-Section which was suppose to take place today at 8:00am. Its crazy to think that we could be officially parents right now if things didn't change. I am so happy that the baby can come on its own. I know that anything can happen once you do go into labour and that an emergency c-section often takes place -but I'm not going to focus on that. Were trusting and praying that things will go smoothly, but of course were open to whatever needs to be done if needed.

Yesterday I attempted to go to the mall, but boy was that a mistake. I found myself resting on benches more than anything. In my mind I feel like I can do so much, but than my body reminds me that I have to take it easy and I just can't zip around the mall like before especially with this extra cargo. Now if I go to the mall I've gotta be specific and hit where I need to go and try not to visit every store along the way.

So now its the waiting game. So far I'm enjoying my time off. I've been doing a lot of resting and keeping my feet up. I'm really curious as to when this baby will make an appearance, but I'm not going to rush this time. We really are looking forward to meeting this little baby in the coming weeks - or days!

September 1, 2010

Maternity Leave Begins!

Today is the first day of my maternity leave, and it couldn't have come at a better time. I've been really tired and pretty much useless at work for the past couple of weeks as I've been slowing down so much. My energy level is low and I would prefer to spend my days napping on our couch or watching TV, or reading a book. I am happy to be finished now so that we can focus on getting the last minute touches done for the baby. My mom washed all the baby clothes, sheets and blankets over the weekend which we are both so thankful for. Its so time consuming to do those things, but she was so happy to do it for us. My moms so great at helping out and I know she can't wait for this baby to come so that she can do even more. We were also blessed this weekend and got a glider for the nursery from someone. Its practically brand new and hardly used. We really wanted a glider but the cost can be so HIGH - so when we were blessed with this gift we were so happy and it does add a nice touch to the nursery.
Today I had a doctors appointment and had a great checkup. The baby's heartbeat was good and strong still. The baby is measuring in at about 8 pounds at this point. We can't even believe it. The doctor thinks it could be 9 pounds(but hopefully not that big -haha). Its so hard to believe that were at the 37 week point in this pregnancy. We got our wish which was to have this baby in the month of September and today is officially the beginning of September so were good to go at anytime now really. My official due date is September 21st - but the baby could come after that date (which I personally can't see). I guess time will tell for sure. We are so excited to meet this little person. I am really happy we didn't find out the gender of the baby. Its old fashion I know, but I love the surprise factor at the end of it all. We are so happy either way. We are truly so happy and blessed to have this opportunity to bring a baby into this world and begin a new chapter in our lives called "Parenting."