October 28, 2008

Isabella Faith comes home!

Yesterday the greatest news happened for my dear friend Rhonda and her husband Andy. Not only was it their 7 year Wedding Anniversary, they finally got to take home their firstborn daughter Isabella which Rhonda said was "the best anniversary present ever." Isabella was born on Thanksgiving weekend, but she wasn't due until early December. Her entrance to the world was very early and sooner than they had expected. Needless to say they didn't have time to finish up all those little things that you would want to get done before the arrival of a baby. I remember reading the email from Andy and thinking to myself, "what, are you kidding me?" But as I read the continual email's and updates of how things were going, I was so impressed with both of their attitudes and the way they handled things. They were over the moon with excitement and joy because they finally got to see their daughter. They spoke mostly about all the good things happening and didn't focus too much on the negatives. It hasn't been an easy road for them even getting to this point, but God has been so good to them. The love, and strength that these two people have is incredible. Its a strength that can only come from God. They love their daughter so much and I am amazed and thankful to God for helping Isabella get stronger and stronger each day. What a true blessing that little one is to her family and all who see her!

October 26, 2008

I love Olga & Baby Rachel!

Olga and her daughter Rachel are absolutely beautiful people. Jerry (Olga's husband and Rachel's father is also very cool. I just didn't have a recent photo on hand . Sorry Jerry :-)
I love the weekends when I get the chance to see the whole Sen family. I especially love spending time with Rachel. As you can see from this photo she's absolutely stunning and happy. She really is always like this. She loves to smile at people and laugh, and now she's really exercising her vocal cords because she can let out quite the sounds which I find cute. I'm truly obsessed with Rachel. There's just something incredibly special about this little girl. She has a way of making you happy. I suppose most babies have that affect, but I feel so connected to this special little girl. She definitely has her parents traits. She looks a lot like her father and you can already tell that she has a sense of humour, plus she loves to laugh a lot just like her pops. Olga is one of the sweetest people I know. She always has something positive to say about people, and she's happy for you when good things happen in your life. She's also there for you if your going through a rough spot and you need support or prayers. And can I just throw in that she makes amazing lasagna. Seriously - amazing! The love that they have for their daughter is so evident. But who wouldn't love this girl. Just look at her. She's sweet, adorable, innocent and precious as can be.

Thank you Lord for these special people. They make my life happier and I'm just so blessed to have them. They are not only my friends, I love them like family!

October 24, 2008

Alone in the office - nice but quiet

Right now I'm alone in the office which can be nice, but its also so quiet. I love all of the different personality's that I work with. You've got Stephen who we call "the office diva." Right now he's on the road and won't be back until mid November. I miss his daily updates. He seems to know what's going on around the world all of the time. Then there's Eric. Eric is a very cool and easy going person. He adds much fun to our office and he'll always go on a Starbucks run for us. I especially love picking on Eric because its just so much fun. I tend to Hiss at him (for no apparent reason - but because it drives him crazy I continue to do so, hehehe). Eric's on the road till next week. He's been in the States working. Then you've got Ryan. Ryan can either drive you absolutely crazy, or make you laugh. He's into this new thing which is to hug all the guys in the office. It can be funny, but sometimes disturbing. Ryan's an odd ball, but he totally fits in our crazy office. He's also a hardworking individual. We also have the lovely Siobhan (pronounce "shove on"). I call her "the office princess." She's loads of fun and adds good energy to our crazy bunch. Her passion for new students coming in is definitely something to admire. One of her newest best friends is actually a new student to our school from Newfoundland who she recruited. I have to admit, that student is a gem. Then we have Nikki. She's new to our office. She literally just started a week ago and already she's on her way to an event. She's good for our office. She's friendly and super eager to learn her job and do it with excellence. You can already tell how much passion she has, and its only been a week. And lastly, there's our boss Phil. He left out early today. I have to admit I've got a great boss. He's not one to stress you out at all or look over your shoulder. He leaves you to do your job. I have no clue how he puts up with all of our different personalities, but he does.

We are family. Its nice to have that feeling especially at work!

October 23, 2008

7 Week Old Josiah

Today class ended early because of our test. I was happy to leave out earlier because that meant I could spend time with one of my best friends, Heather and her new born son Josiah who is 7 weeks. Josiah is a cutie and so snugly and fun to be around. Lately he's been more of a challenge for my friend because he hit a new peek in his development where he wants to be held all of the time, and his sleep time is all over the place. He is doing even more cuter things now like smiling more and making a lot more cooing sounds which is adorable. I had the chance to hold him and even try to get him to sleep (which lasted for all of 10 minutes). I showed Heather a trick that one of my friends showed me, which was to turn on the exhaust fan over the stove. Something about that sound will make most babies fall asleep. Within two minutes or so of rocking him around the stove, it finally made him sleep but it didn't last long though :(

Its funny how much a baby can change your life. Before you could do pretty much anything, but after having them they truly do rule your lives in a good way. Babies are blessings and a great gift from God. Although this stage for my friend is a bit more harder, like she said to me before I left "this too shall pass."

October 22, 2008

Twins Again!

Yes, yes, it happened again. Christie and I were twins for the day. By twins, I mean we were wearing the same sweater vest. The picture posted isn't from today, but its from another time where once again we wore the exact same sweater vest and it was on an Encounter Day at Tyndale, (An Encounter Day is an event where prospective students come to Tyndale and see if its the right place for them to be). It is always funny when we do go into work and see each other. We both have the same reactions "oh no, not again." Of course we laugh it off, because it is funny. So many people think that we actually plan it out, but really we don't. I suppose great minds do think alike!!!!
By the way, the guy in the middle is Christie's husband Josiah.

October 21, 2008

Snow in October?

I could hardly believe that it snowed today in October. Thankfully the snow didn't stay on the ground, but still it was strange. I don't mind snow, I just don't enjoy driving in it or shoveling it. It is pretty to look at though, especially during the Christmas Season. I'm still trying to enjoy this Fall with the beautiful trees and leaves, and semi warm days where you can still get away with wearing sandals -haha. I'm not ready for it to be over already.

Perhaps this was just one freakish day and tomorrow we'll be back to the beauty of the Fall Season.

October 20, 2008

Viewing Monday through fresh eyes!

Another Monday is here and how we decide to approach our day is really up to us. We can either hit the snooze button on the alarm clock and say, "Oh gosh, its Monday grrrr." Or we can get up and say, "Wow, thank you God for another Monday." I have to admit, I wasn't all that chipper this morning because I didn't get enough sleep. I took a really long Sunday afternoon nap which in turn made it harder for me to sleep at night. So I was up way past midnight prepping a lasagna which Saj and I will be enjoying for our dinner tonight. I believe that Monday's can be really great days if we allow it to be. The funny thing is, I often find Monday's to be one of the fastest days of the week. Its usually a slow start in the early morning, but by mid-morning I find myself into the swing of things at work and the time literally just flies by.

I'm not sure how your Monday is going but hopefully your having a good one. If your not, whatever is stressing you out, or making you frustrated try and cast those feelings aside and enjoy the rest of your evening. Life is truly too short to sweat the small stuff.

Happy Monday to You!!!!!!

October 19, 2008

Welcome to the World of Blogging!

So this is my first blog ever! I have to admit that this is something that I've wanted to do for some time, but only now I'm stepping out of my shell to begin this journey. I was inspired by my friend Kathy (although I don't think she knows this yet). She always blogs, and I always find what she writes very interesting. So I thought to myself one day this past week, "enough is enough, just do it already." So here I am ready to join the world of blogging!